The Grove Church believes that every person is a beloved child of God, wonderfully made in God's image. The Grove Pride Team advocates for full inclusion and affirmation of LGBT+ people in our church and community by initiating conversations, celebrating diversity, promoting education, advocating justice and challenging anti-LGBT+ prejudice, bigotry and hate. All are welcome to join the PRIDE team!
The Grove uses the following resources as discussion starters in our work of advocating for equal rights of persons who identify as LGBTQIA.
The Gender Unicorn teaching tool breaks the big concept of gender into bite-sized pieces. Occasionally workshops are offered using Gender Unicorn.
Developed by the PRIDE team, Rainbow Revelations is a small group study that uses social media video, podcasts, and discussion to motivate us to faithfully affirm and advocate for those who identify as LGBTQIA.
A guide for teens, Queerfully and Wonderfully Made includes support and insights from professionals as well as testimonials from teens. It's companion, Welcoming and Affirming, provides guidance to those working with LGBTQIA+ teens.
The Grove Pastors commit to supporting and celebrating same-gender marriages in the same way that we support and celebrate other marriages. Pastors at The Grove are honored to officiate same-gender weddings to celebrate love and commitment. As with any wedding conducted, supportive premarital counseling and thoughtful wedding planning is available. Reach out to any pastor for more information.