Those Who Want to Give Via Stock Transfers

Where do I find instructions for a stock transfer? The Minnesota United Methodist Foundation handles our stock transfers through Wespath Institutional Investments. They provide a form with instructions. Your broker or the firm where your stock account is held will need to call 612-230-3337, the Minnesota United Methodist Foundation before submitting the transfer forms.

Why is the transfer going through the Minnesota Conference? The Minnesota Conference has contracted with the Wespath Institutional Investments to provide investment management services, including processing stock donations. As a result, you can donate stock or mutual fund shares to the Grove United Methodist Church with neither the church nor you personally being charged a service charge.

Is there a personal advantage to donating through stock transfer? If you donate appreciated stock or shares (instead of selling and then donating the funds), you save capital gains taxes. Additionally, you can give some or all your Required Minimum Distribution to the church tax free as well.